


據官方指稱,為治療其過敏反應,俄羅斯最大反對黨領袖Alexei Navalny被從監獄送往醫院。但聲援者說他可能是被下毒的。

克里姆林宮稱Alexei Navalny後被送返監獄。Alexei Navalny因為籌組一項違法的抗議活動而入監。在莫斯科的一次示威活動中,他們強烈要求獨立的候選人能夠被允許參與全市的選舉,多於一千人在此次活動中被逮捕入獄。更多的抗議活動正籌劃中。

Russia’s main opposition leader, Alexei Navalny, was taken from prison to hospital to be treated for what the authorities called an allergic reaction but supporters said may have been poisoning. He was later returned to prison, where he is in custody for organising an illegal protest, according to the Kremlin. More than 1,000 people were arrested at a demonstration in Moscow demanding that independent candidates be allowed to stand in a citywide election. More protests are planned.


Boris Johnson上任英國首相忙錄的第一周。他創設了一間新的辦公室用以管理退伍軍人的照料、確保數項計劃的資源、並承諾將大規模啟動公共服務,其中包含在三年內將20000多名警力部署至街道上(取代2010保守黨執政後的警力裁撤政策)


Boris Johnson spent a busy first week as Britain’s prime minister. He created a new office to administer lifelong support for veterans of the armed forces; pledged resources for several projects; and promised to open the spending taps for public services. This included a pledge to put 20,000 more police officers on the streets within three years (replacing the officers cut since the Conservatives took power in 2010).

Next for Mr Johnson was a whistle-stop “Union” tour with visits to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Brexit loomed in the background. In Northern Ireland Mr Johnson declared that the border “backstop”, which would keep Britain in an eu customs union, is dead. The government committed an extra £2.1bn ($2.6bn) to plan for a no-deal exit. See article.


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